This is the restuarant, that all my friends' Korean friends thought was authentic and delicious. And frankly, I am not a big meat lover, but the meat is sweet..... nice meaty sweet, and the big pot noodles at the end, just delicious. It must be one of best Korean Restaurants in Hong Kong, the kimchi is decent but not fantastic, but they have a array of nice Korean Shochu and good for a cold winter night!
Any decent Korean restaurant will need to serve you at least 6 amuse-bouche dishes
Korean Seafood Pancake -not bad at all
This is the highlight - grilled pork, grilled beef and grilled chicken, nice meaty meat! very very good grilled meat
This is also another of my favourite Korean dish- stir fried vermicelli
Rice cakes with spicy sauce - Korean rice cakes are kind chewy
big hotpot noodles with loads of thin pork slices, sinful but so lovely..
My bowl of noodles......:)